frame Spidar named Sphere |
Sphere with
a grip with switches |
Spidar with qubic type frame |
motor mount and a pulley |
camera head and stereo vision boards
depth map image
human head tracker dialog
panel (PDF)
Mouse and icon based GUI (Graphical User Interface) systems are dominantly used in todayfs personal computer interface. The interface has difficulties for every person not having computer literacy. Information and networked society in the 21st century will require more intuitive and user-friendly interface commonly used for young and old, men and women.@In this development of spatial GUI system, we provide a new user interface in PC world with desktop haptic device which fits to the human hand having multiple degrees of freedom driving up & down, left & right, back & forth, rotation and grasping virtual objects in the display. The spatial GUI consists of 3D grip interface firmware function, 3D grip device driver function and spatial GUI function. The result of evaluation in VR space shows efficiency of spatial GUI system.
3D grip device and virtual shopping mall
Shoutou Rokubankan Bldg. 4F, 1-28-4, Shoutou, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo,
150-0046 Japan.
Phone +81-3-5456-4077 Fax +81-3-5456-4085